frequently asked questions

ask us

When is the application due?

Applications and all supporting documentation must be submitted by 11:59pm Mountain Time on March 1, 2025. No late submissions will be accepted.

All recipients will be notified no later than May 2, 2025, in order to prepare for the award ceremony that follows in mid-May.

No, only recipients of scholarships are notified by the Foundation. If you have not received notification by May 2, 2025, you were not awarded a scholarship for the 2024-2025 award year.

Letters of recommendation are an optional addition to your application packet, but they are highly encouraged. While you will not lose points or become disqualified for not including these, you can earn additional points based on those recommendations at the discretion of the scholarship graders.

Yes, early graduates within the 2024-2025 school year are still eligible to apply.

Applicants must graduate during the 2024-2025 school year.

Applicants must have attended a SISD high school for a minimum of 2 full school years (11th & 12th grade). If you are an early graduate, graduating in 11th grade or mid-year in 12th grade, you must have been enrolled in a SISD high school for a total of four consecutive 18-week semesters (fall and spring) prior to graduating.

If you are a military- associated student who enrolled into a SISD school due to a parent or guardian’s PCS orders and, therefore, do not meet the 2-year rule, you are eligible.

For scholarship year 2024-2025, The Foundation will award five $3,000 SISD Scholarships to students at the following high school campuses- Americas, Eastlake, El Dorado, Montwood, Pebble Hills, and Socorro. The Foundation will award one $3,000 SISD Scholarship to students at the following high school campuses- Mission Early College and Options.

Students can also apply to three additional district-wide scholarships by indicating interest on their applications. More information on these scholarships and their requirements is available on our website.

There are also five campus specific scholarships that are awarded through the application process- three for Socorro (McQuiddy, Cardenas, and ICON), one for Montwood (Beard), and one for Americas (Green). More information on the requirements for these campus specific scholarships is available on our website.

Qualified students have the potential to be awarded more than one scholarship. Students must select all scholarships they are interested in and eligible for in order to be considered. All applicants will be considered for the SISD Foundation scholarship.

Start the application process

Contact [email protected] for any additional questions.