The mission of the SISD Foundation for Excellence in Education is:
(i) to strengthen public education by supporting innovative actions that lead to higher academic achievement for students,
(ii) to promote excellence in teaching and educational leadership, and
(iii) to provide additional funds for scholarships and educational enhancements not supported by public funding.
Board Members
Esther McCarthy
Fancy Adams
Larry Price
Linda Miner
Steve Hambric
board member
Leo Campbell
board member
George Cordova
board member
Juanita Garcia
board member
Paul Garcia
Board member
Hank Green
board member
Jody Kotys
Board Member
Lisa Wise
board member
William Carrasco
Board Member
Kara Baker
board member
Lily Gutierrez
board member
Rachel Tarango
SISD Foundation Liaison
Kevin Soltero
SISD Foundation Assistant
Annual Golf Tournament
Since 2005, the SISD Foundation has provided students with post-secondary education scholarships by raising funds through the annual golf tournament and employee and community contributions. Five scholarships are given to students at each of the district’s six comprehensive high schools. One scholarship is awarded to Mission Early College High School and another to Options High school.